Sunday, May 30, 2010

That's ALLAH

Have you ever been down and out
and nobody seems to be around for
you to talk to.....
He wants you to talk to Him.

Have you ever been just sitting there
and all of sudden you feel like doing
nice for someone
you care for.....
He talks to you

Have you ever been thinking about
somebody that you haven't seen
in a long time and then next think
you know you see them or receive
a phone call from them....

There is no such thing as

Have you ever received something
wonderful, that you didn't even ask for..
He knows the desires of your heart.

Have you ever been in situation
and you had no clue how it is
going to get better,
but now you look back on it..
He passes us through tribulation
to see a brighter day.

In all that we do, we should totally realize that ALLAH is always there,
give Allah thanks and our prayers,
blessings will continue to multiply...

وَإِذۡ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمۡ لَٮِٕن شَڪَرۡتُمۡ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمۡ‌ۖ وَلَٮِٕن ڪَفَرۡتُمۡ إِنَّ عَذَابِى لَشَدِيدٌ۬ (٧
“Kalau kamu bersyukur atas nikmat-nikmat-Ku, Aku akan tambah lagi nikmat-nikmat-Ku. Tetapi kalau kamu kufur nikmat, ingatlah sesungguhnya siksa-Ku amat pedih.” (Surah Ibrahim: 7)

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